Some of them are "visual notes" as screen shots from the whiteboardto summaries
issues. Click on pictures to enlarge.
Present Action list
Installation of services support in SR1 (10.6.03)
Meeting 30/4/03 Sr cooling
sytem and Status of SR
Followup: Dry air supply for SR1
Meeting 26/3/03 Sr DCS
amd Status of SR
Services management for ID in SR1 (routing ofcable trays in SR1 10/12/02)
Pictures from visit to Oxford(6/12/02)
Meeting 27/11/02 discussion
on servicesrouting/support in SR1
Meeting 13/10/02: Evap Cooling system forSR1 (Vic's transparencies)
for electrical distribution in SR1 (please send comments until5-NOV-2002)
and Tool inventorylist in EDMS
Building layoutsfrom
CDD (this is a drawing for the ventilation but it shows thebasic layout)
integration meeting valencia12-18/06/02
Presentation SCT/ID steering group (19-20/3/02)
Presentation SCT&
TRT week Feb 02