Minutes SR meeting 30/4/03 & Status of SR1 Building
(Click to open actions and presentations)
- Cooling system for SR1
- Status of SR1/ Followup on Actions
Present Actions:
Cooling system for SR1
The evaporative cooling system was discussed for SR1 . Information
for the TRT monophase will be collected by Mar and discussed at a later time.
A technical design for the evaporative cooling plant (cold and warm) is
ready (by Pierre/Marek based on Vic's concept). Open questions a summarized
Pierre & Marek will circulate the technical design when updated.
1.) Cold system (C3F8)
It is not decided which compressor for the cold C3F8 system will be used.
A new compressor type has some promising advantages (in particlar for the
later final system): cheaper, smaller, more capacity.
Pierre will try to get this compressor for tests in the next 2 weeks and
then test it until end June. If it is found to be ok, it will be used right
away for the SR1 evap. cooling system.
If it is not usable we will proceed with the "old" compressor type (3mo
delivery time ARO)
2.) Warm system
Based on recent information , it will be very expensive (impossible?) to
get C4F10 at CERN.
Pierre/Migel will look into using other coolant for the warm system (C5F12,
etc...). The choice of the coolant will most likely not change the layout/components
in the warm system.
It was decided that the warm and cold system have to be usable independently,i.e.
run one test setup warm while another runs cold. (ie. double piping along
main distribution up to mainfold on the wall.
Marco propose to have only one system based on C3F8 and run it at higher
pressure for a warm operation (7 bar?). Advantages are only one system instead
of 2, no switch over of collants in the detector required.
Marco will check with SCT/PIX project engineers the feasibility of this
3.) Manifolds/Pressure regulators
The manifolds in the assembly area (8 circuits PIX, 5 circuits SCT) are
planned as manuel values (check safety).
The 44 circuits in the assembly area need to be discussed. Options are :
manual values, pneumatic values, electrical values for pressure regulation
(Steinar/Marco/Heinz with Pierre/Marek). Issues to address are: control system
complexity, safety of operation, costs. This will be followed up next week.
All values need to be warm.
All circuits are now 1 inlet on 1 outlet. The split into different inlet
capilaries (2 on 1 SCT barrel, 1/2/3 on 1 SCT fwd) will be done on the detector
Heinz will check for work shop possbilities for the manifold construction.
4.) Other
The barak for the cooling plant in the back of SR1 will be constructed once
the plane dimensions and installation requirements are clear.
The location for the control rack needs to be defined.
During installation the SR1 door close to the plant can be used.
Dummy loads: we will get the dummy load, which is currently in Oxford back
during the summer for testing. BUT this dummy load is too small for a full
compressor tests, so we will require additional dummy load(s).
5.) Time scale
Marek/Pierre will now prepare an inventory list of all items so that we
can proceed with the orders for all undisputed items.
An approximate time scale is
- make inventory list : now - mid May
- check for warm C3F8 system / replacement of C4F10: now - mid May
- order/delivery of first plant components: mid May-end June
- test new compressor: now to end June
- assembly of cooling plant : beg July to end Aug
- start commissioning/testing in lab : Sep.
- pipework in SR1: Aug-Sept
- construction of manifold: July-Sept.
open issues:
- control of pressure regulators
- cooling DCS to be defined when regulation is clear
2.) Status of SR1 - followup on actions
1.) Electricity installation
2.) Network installation
3.) Phone lines
3 lines installed, 4th (next to laser room) remains
4.) UPS
UPS are installed and connected to main electricity.
Siemens will come on 7/8 May for maintanence checks and verify the UPS operation
of both UPSs. They are planned to be operational by 15/5
5.) Dry air/ Compressed air
Quotes of piping received and ordered. Side visit with installation company
was done on Tuesday. Piping will be stainless steel pipes mounted next to
cable trays in clean room. Installation will start approx. 20/5 (to be confirmed).
This will provide clean compressed air with a dew point of -10C at different
Additional air dryers (for dew point of -40 to -45C) will be installed
directly at point of use. Noise tests on those dryers are currently being
done on one of them which is available in Bat 161.
6.) Cable trays
Order was received by company. Installation is planned to start on 12/5.
It will take about 2 weeks in the clean room + 1 wk in rack area. First step
of installation is the installation of the cable tray support beams every
3m in the clean room. These are all trays in SR1 except trays from TA wall
to service support on TA platform.
7.) Service support for test cables in TA
It was decided to proceed with the drawings for a "table-like" service
support structure on the platform in the test area. We plan to span the full
width of the platform in order to have maximum flexibility for tests/integration
work in this area.
At structure is expected to be about 6.2m wide, 4m long (to allow side-ways
insertion/extraction of the ID trolley) and approximately 3.8m high. The clean
volume is approximately 3.6m (length) x 5.8m (width) x 3.2m (height). Richard
will proceed with the drawings for this structure. Manpower is most likely
available for its contruction by mid May.
- confirm dimensions (when drawing is ready)
- sign off by TIS for statics/safety
- order of material (beams)
A sketch of the support to illustrate its layout is below (The shown platform
corresponds to the dimensions of the TA platform):
8.) Emergency smoke extraction
finished. Official reception is on 11/5
9.) DCS
The prepareparation of the CIC DCS progresses well. The necessary hardware
has been order. The distribution and cabling is described below (Fernando)
The first version of the SCT power supply DCS has been installed in Oxford
before easter (Ewa,Heidi,Pamela). Oxford has now one full SCT PS crate available
for tests. The DCS work on SCT PS continues now at Bat 161. A first test version
for the PS DCS (1 crate controlled through the final crate controller, OPC,
PVSS insterface) is expected to be ready by mid May.
10.) Space allocation
Below is a _proposed_ space allocation for
- SCT/TRT system tests
- ITT for PIX integration tests
The ITT tests require a space of 12 x 3 m and it is proposed to use the
lower part of the SCT area in order to keep the central moving corridor clear.
The space is required end this year, early next year. Eric will confirm if
this is possible wrt 4-barrel assembly tool preparation/setup (which is planned
for this area in 2004)
11.) Racks
All cooling pipes for water cooled racks have been stripped. The installation
of rack infrastructure (electrical distribution of rack, mounting of cooling
pipes, heat exchangers etc) started and will last for two weeks now. (Per,
Arvid, Richard). The rack cooling system (installed except flex. connection
to racks) will be commissioned by ST as our rack work is finished.
12.) Immediate time plan SR1
7/8 May: UPS check by SIemens
12 May: Start cable tray installation
approx 20 May: pipework for dry air system
approx 25 May: start cleaning of cleam room/laser room (order signed list
now-14 May: rack work (commission of cooling by ST/safety checks after that)
June 1: start of moving to SR